
02/2021 – 04/2021

Based on its experience with IFDC in Rwanda, Burundi, Mozambique, and South Sudan, RODEVA supported IFDC in the preparation of the joint exploratory mission with MINBOS (Australian phosphate mining company) in Angola regarding the development of the agricultural sector throughout a multi-year project.

RODEVA hereby defined and evaluated scenarios for market positioning of MINBOS on the fertilizer market according to the analysis of the structure of potential demand at the level of the different categories of farmers, according to the presence of manufacturers, importers, distributors of fertilizers already established, and according to agro-ecological needs (soils and crops) and GoA objectives.

RODEVA identified current and potential stakeholders involved in the future development of the fertilizer market in Angola and designs a concept note for the support project to follow.


09/2012 – 11/2015

Design, launch, implementation and operationalization of the National Fertilizer Subsidy Program in Burundi (PNSEB) as part of the IFDC PNSEB Support Project funded by Dutch Aid.

Principal adviser to PNSEB funded by GdB, Dutch Aid and GIZ, involving more than 1 million farmers, 10 private importers and 180 private distributors, and operationalized by EDENRED for the management of vouchers.


09/2020 – 02/2021

Strategic and technical support to PAGRIS (Agricultural Productivity Support Project in Burundi), implemented by IFDC with funding from Dutch Aid, focussing on traceability as well as on a re-definition of all stakeholders’ activities, meeting agro-ecological and economical requirements within the National Fertilizer Subsidy Program of Burundi (PNSEB).

This mission was carried out in strict compliance with the restrictions due to COVID 19 remotely through video conferences, online-mediation etc.


04/2021 Ongoing

Institutional, technical and commercial feasibility study , from extraction to the “ready to use product” for the development of the Dolomite sector in Burundi on behalf of IFDC, which itself supports the Ministry of Agriculture.

Design of a “teaser” to incentivize the different stakeholders of the private and public sector as well as potential donors.

Establishment of the potential roadmap for the future development of the dolomite chain and schedule of activity for the implementation.


Since March 2023

Partnership agreement with FIMEX International for the sourcing and marketing in West and Central Africa, and Great Lakes area, of ferti-nutrition products, bio-stimulants, biological crop protection solutions, and digital tools for crop nutrition and soil fertility management. 

DRC / South and North Kivu


Support for the IFDC CATALIST Project in Great Lakes Area, funded by Dutch Aid for the implementation and technical feasibility of a fertilizer subsidy pilot using e-vouchers and an e-platform, carried out by EDENRED.


09/2013 – 03/2017

Design and implementation of the incentive program through the use of vouchers (SIBA), as part of the AVANSE DAI project funded by USAID, and technical support for the operationalization of the e-voucher system designed and produced by TRANVERSAL and for the effective involvement of the private sector in the importation and distribution of fertilizers.



As part of the Fertilizer Sector Reform in Niger (RSEN) implemented by the GdN and funded by the MCC / MCA, and under the responsibility of the PARSEN Project of IFDC funded by MCA, carrying out the feasibility study, the design and the implementation of a fertilizer subsidy program involving the private sector, and using a system of e-vouchers and e-platforms, which led to the creation of a pilot operationalized by EDENRED.

Support for the feasibility of an extension to the national level in progress.


09/2020 Ongoing

Design of a traceable system of financial flows within the PRADEL project in Niger, funded and financed by Belgian Aid ENABEL, to support efficiency of grants and microcredits for over 1,400 livestock entrepreneurs.

Support carried out in a participatory and inclusive manner by associating all groups of stakeholders virtually and remotely in various online-mediation sessions: beneficiaries, micro-credit organisms, the government of Niger via FISAN and the team of Pradel.


01/2007 – 01/2011

Support to the Ministry of Agriculture of Rwanda, via the CATALIST Project of IFDC funded by Dutch Aid, for the design and implementation of a fertilizer subsidy program as part of the intensification program of the agriculture led by the GoR which designed and financed the voucher system and the subsidy of fertilizers from its national budget via World Bank financing.



Feasibility study, in close collaboration with the GoS, regarding a new system of incentives for the use of fertilizers in Senegal, involving the importation and distribution private sector, and using an e-system to ensure the traceability and the transparency of the future program, on behalf of the DUNDËL SUUF Project of IFDC funded by USAID.

South Sudan

11/2011 – 06/2012

Design and implementation of a fertilizer subsidy program to encourage the installation of young farmers in the “green belt” area after 10 years of war in Darfur.

Support carried out within the framework of the S4D project of IFDC and CHEMONICS, funded by USAID.


10/2014 – 01/2019

Pre-design of a pilot using e-vouchers for the fertilizer incentive program implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture, on behalf of the CATALIST Project of IFDC funded by Dutch aid.

Then support to the Ministry of Agriculture for the operationalization of the program on behalf of DAI with USAID funding, more particularly at the level of the e-voucher system set up by UBA.